We go to the science museum!

Today, Monroe and I go to the science museum. The first exhibit hall we enter is called “Anatomy” and displays various models of the inside of the human body. Gross! Monroe shows some interest in a giant model of an eyeball, but I drag him through the rest of the exhibits fairly quickly until we get to the mummies.


Cool! I have never seen a mummy before and the mummy I am staring at was once a member of an ancient Egyptian royal family. Most of the information about the mummy has to do with the mummification process, but I find myself imagining what his royal life must have been like in ancient Egypt. What am I imagining? Click here.

We move on to volcanoes, earthquakes and storms, where we learn about devices scientists use to predict natural disasters and to measure things such as wind speed and earth movements. We work our way through the history of computers and find ourselves staring at a very life-like robot named Brian. Brian asks if he may assist us in finding any exhibits at the museum. We ask about the dinosaurs and the robot provides us detailed directions to the natural history exhibits.

When we leave the museum, Monroe is still going on about the robot, as if we hadn’t just seen the most amazing animals that once walked the earth. Speaking of amazing, we walk by a window display of the most scrumptious looking cupcakes ever. I yank Monroe in the door for a double dark chocolate cupcake with salted caramel frosting.

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