News Reporter

Okay, so I love the idea of a career as a news reporter. I can put on my press badge to get behind the scenes. I can set up interviews with interesting and famous people. I can investigate the truth of the facts I report and reveal any injustices I uncover. I could work as a news anchor, sitting in a newsroom announcing breaking news and introducing field reporters from all over the world.

News reporter.

As enticing as it all seems, I know what would really happen if I were a news reporter. I am not very good at hiding my emotions and I tend to say whatever comes to mind. If I were reporting on a heartbreaking story, I would cry out in anger or burst into tears in front of thousands of viewers. I would laugh uncontrollably at a fellow reporter’s witty sense of humor, slapping both hands over my mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggles. I would interview my favorite celebrity and gush without shame. I would report about someone who did something cruel or foolish and say so without filter.

I just couldn’t bring myself to cross news reporter off my list because it really would be a dream job. Though, I understand the goal of this assignment is to write about a career that I think I would be successful in as well. This is probably not that job.

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