Computer Technologist

There were several people at the career fair with professions related to computers. Some actually built computers and their components, some set up networks of computers, and others designed computer programs.

I am actually pretty good with computers. I am not afraid to play around with various settings to try to make a computer do what I want it to. For that reason, I learn how to use programs and apps fairly quickly and easily. I have even created a simple application through a program I learned how to use at school. I’m not very mechanically inclined though, so I decide to mark the actual building of computers off my list.

I picture myself in a giant corporate office linking computers to a central server or cloud based system. I would make sure that the system has proper security measures in place and deter employees from opening suspicious emails or entering unsafe internet sites. I would make recommendations about computer equipment, software and the latest technology. Nope, not feeling it. It actually seems a bit boring...

Computer on desk.

I could instead develop an amazing computer program. I could design an online virtual life, where you could be anyone you want to be in a virtual world that you create. I could engineer a program that detects cyber-crimes, immediately tracking and identifying the source of the attack. I could work in artificial intelligence, developing a robotic brain. Could I? I really don’t know.

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